Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Assignment 1: What's up/Mashup- Image Analysis, Deconstruction and Reconstruction

                                                                 Original Source Image

     To me this image looks very editorial and high fashioned. I feel like choice of clothing and the position in which the model is placed really sells the overall theme of the Ad and it reflects the brand used. While taking a closer look at the image, one can distinguish the different elements and principals of design. In this case, we can see contrast in color as well as texture, for example, the color of the boots stands out from the color of the leafs and wood behind it and their smooth texture sets it apart from the pattern on the bag.
    In addition, the red flower placed on the left side of the shirt creates an emphasis, making the viewer focus more on the top and allowing the necklace and the face of the model to come through, otherwise it would become invisible. In this image we can also see lines in the wood, as well as the wolves, value on the handbag, and finally organic forms such as, the model, the bag and the barks of wood. Last but not least, the position of the model creates a feeling of balance, making the image more cohesive.    

                                                                     Modified Image.

In the original image, I mentioned that it seemed very editorial and high fashioned because of the way the model was posing and also the clothing. By placing the word LIBERTY at the top and replacing the model's head with what seems to be a broken heart with eyes on it, this new arrangement feels like its telling more of a story rather than selling a specific brand. For the modified version, I wanted to change the overall theme and play around with lines and composition while still keeping the other aspects such as contrast, texture, color, etc. To point out, I think in this second image the red flower that created emphasis on the original one, kinda looses its purpose, since my eyes go directly to the heart shape and then everything else.   

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